Please be mindful of the threat of plagiarism. Plagiarism occurs when anyone uses another person's words without giving t hem credit. DO NOT cut and paste any part of your answers and DO NOT simply reword a source you found on the internet. DTCC screens for plagiarism. If you are found to have used a source's words without citing them, you are guilty of plagiarism and will be referred to the division Dean for disciplinary action.
​Please research these questions and then write your own answers to them, incorporating the information you learned.  

 logical, supported answers will be rewarded with up to 10 supplemental points added to your second lecture assessment.    

Lecture Supplement #7

   Submit your responses to the question below
on Canvas via the assignments tab:
​lecture supplemental question 7.
This assignment is available until
​ Tuesday, 10/3 at 9:30am. 

Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (also known as RuBisCo) is proposed to be the most abundant protein on Earth. Many enzymes facilitate thousands of reactions per second. But RuBisCO is slow, facilitating as few as 3 reactions per second. ​The rate at which RuBisCO operates is related to an increase in carbon dioxide concentration.

​a. Explain the specific role RuBisCo plays in photosynthesis.
b. How specifically is the structure of RuBisCo related to its function?
c. Why does RuBisCo exhibit slower reaction rates than other enzymes?
d. Why is the rate at which RuBisCO operates related to an increase in carbon dioxide
e. There research being performed on the gene that codes for RuBisCo that might enhance the
    effectiveness of this protein. Why would this be beneficial to humans?

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