Welcome to Dr. Kate Brilakis' Learning Portal

      Part 3:
​  Slide of Retina

    Special Senses Lab

  August 26: Hearing

  Part 2: Cow Eye Dissection

     Part 1:
  Eye Anatomy

Part 1: Using the Eye Model, Identify:
1.  Lacrimal apparatus = lacrimal gland 🡪 lacrimal ducts
    🡪 lacrimal puncta /lacrimal canals 🡪 lacrimal sac
2. Palpebral Conjunctiva vs ocular (bulbar) conjunctiva
3. Extrinsic eye muscles move eyeball in socket: 
     lateral rectus, medial rectus, superior rectus, inferior rectus,
     inferior oblique, superior oblique
4. Eye Wall Organization & Internal Anatomy:
    Fibrous Layer: sclera and cornea    
    Vascular Layer:  choroid, ciliary body, pupil,iris
    Sensory Layer/ Retina:  neural layer w/ rods & cones
    Optic disc, Macula lutea, Fovea centralis, Lens
    Suspensory ligaments, Aqueous humor in anterior compartment
    Vitreous body in posterior compartment

Part 2: Cow Eye Dissection (see video)
Part 3: Slide of Eye Wall w/ sclera, choroid, and 3 layers of cells = retina
Part 4: Visual Tests: Blind Spot, Astigmatism, Acuity

This semester, the ACC administration decided we would not be issued lab manuals. As such, I've assembled activities for us to do each week, being mindful that we are working within a truncated lab period. In order to make the best use of our  time, please review the information for that week prior to your lab session. I've included dissection videos where appropriate and pictures of the models/dissections we'll be using. 

 Part 1: Using the model, identify:
 1. External Ear with Pinna (auricle) & lobule
     External auditory canal
 2. Middle Ear:  Auditory ossicles: malleus, incus, stapes
     Auditory tube = Eustachian tube = Pharyngotympanic tube
 3. Inner Ear: Bony labyrinth = cochlea + vestibule
     + semicircular canals filled w/perilymph
     Cochlea with vestibule, Oval window, Round window
     Organ of Corti w/neurons that are stimulated by sound waves
     Semicircular canals: anterior, posterior & lateral
     Used to send equilibrium info via Vestibulocochlear nerve
     🡪 thalamus🡪 auditory cortex of temporal lobe

4. Trace Path of Sound Wave through the Ear:
    External Auditory Canal🡪  Tympanic membrane 🡪 Malleus 🡪
    Incus 🡪 Stapes 🡪 Oval Window 🡪   Vestibular duct (scala) of
    Cochlea🡪 Tympanic duct of Cochlea 🡪  Round Window

Part 2: 
    1. Define these clinical terms:
        Otitis media, Presbycusis, Nystagmus, Vertigo
    2. Explain the difference between “dynamic equilibrium” and
        “static equilibrium”
    3. Explain the difference between “conductive” deafness
​        and “neural” deafness

         Part 4:
​         Vision Tests

   August 9th: Vision