Week 4 / Part 1:
​Appendicular Skeleton

 Week 3 / Part 1:
Upper Appendicular Skeleton

 Welcome to Dr. Kate Brilakis' Learning Portal

                  Appendicular Skeleton


 acromial end  (lateral end)
    acromial end articulates with the _____ of the scapula.
 sternal end  (medial end)
    sternal end articulates with the  _____of the sternum.


 borders- lateral, medial, superior
 angles- superior & inferior
 supraspinous fossa  
 infraspinous fossa    
 subscapular fossa
 suprascapular notch        
 coracoid process            
 glenoid cavity


 head & surgical neck
         head of humerus articulates
​         with the _____ of the scapula.    
 greater tubercle
 lesser tubercle
 intertubercular sulcus
 deltoid tuberosity
 olecranon fossa
 coronoid fossa       



   radial tuberosity
   styloid process    
   ulnar notch    

  coronoid process
  olecranon process  
  trochlear notch
  radial notch     
​  styloid process           


 8 Carpal Bones:  
    “row 1”  =   scaphoid,   lunate,   triquetrum,   pisiform       
    "row 2”  =   trapezium,  trapezoid,  capitate,  hamate     
  Metacarpals 1-5
  Phalanges:   (proximal, middle, distal)


The Pelvic (Hip) Girdle: 

Coxal Bone:
 fusion of 3 bony pieces:  ilium, ischium and pubis.
 “bony pelvis”  = R & L coxal bones + sacrum + coccyx    
 Pubic symphysis = cartilaginous joint
​                                    between L & R pubic bones    

Coxal Bone Landmarks
     iliac crest
     iliac fossa
     anterior superior iliac spine 
     posterior superior iliac spine    
     auricular surface
     obturator foramen
     greater sciatic notch 
     ischial tuberosity
     ischial spine
     pubic crest              
     pubic arch


Anatomical differences between the M/F pelvis

​ “false pelvis” vs “true pelvis”
    pelvic brim (inlet)/pelvic outlet

​ Femur:
  greater trochanter
  lesser trochanter 
  head & neck 
  fovea capitis
  gluteal tuberosity
  medial & lateral condyles 
  intercondylar fossa
  patellar surface

 The Lower Leg:

    surfaces-anterior vs. posterior



   tibial tuberosity
   medial & lateral condyles
   articular surfaces –medial & lateral
   anterior border
   medial malleolus    

  lateral malleolus            



    7 tarsal bones:     calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuboid, 3 cuneiforms  
    5 metatarsals:      #1-5        
   14 phalanges: (distal, middle, proximal)


Articulations & Body Movements
​Joint Classifications based on Structure of Joint:   
  Fibrous joint : 
      bones are joined by dense connective tissue   (sutures)
  Cartilaginous joint:
      bones are joined by cartilage (pubic symphysis, ribs to                              sternum)           
  Synovial  joint:
      bone ends are enclosed in a joint capsule
     (knee, hip, elbow, fingers) 


Types of Synovial Joints:  
  Plane joint
  Hinge joint
  Pivot joint
  Ball & socket joint
  Saddle joint

​  Movements at Synovial Joints
  Flexion / Extension / Hyperextension
  Pronation / Supination  (forearm & wrist)
  Inversion / Eversion   (ankle)
  Plantar flexion / Dorsiflexion  (ankle)


​Anatomy of the Hip Joint:

   Iliofemoral ligament
   Pubofemoral ligament
   Acetabulum & acetabular labrum
   Ligamentum teres

​Anatomy of Knee Joint:

   Tendon of quadriceps femoris muscle
   Patellar ligament
   Anterior cruciate & posterior cruciate ligaments
   Medial meniscus & lateral meniscus
   Fibular collateral ligament
   Tibial collateral ligament


​ID joint locations of the following on articulated skeleton:
    Temporo-mandibular joint 
    Tibio-femoral joint
    Intervertebral joints
    Distal radio-ulnar joint
    Sterno-clavicular joint
    Coxal joint 
    Gleno-humeral joint
    Sacroiliac joint

  A joint “sprain” is when the ligaments are stretched or torn.
  Common sprains  occur in the ankle. A joint “dislocation” is when 
  the ends of the bones in a joint are forced from their normal positions. Dislocation is most common in shoulders and fingers.​