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             Goals 169 Lab

                                                          Lab Section 3:
                                      Lab Practical 3 on December 2 
Lab 8: Digestion
1. Identify using models the parts of the digestive system listed on the subpage.
2. Identify on the fetal pig the parts of the digestive system listed on the subpage.

Lab 9: Urinary
1. Identify using models the parts of the urinary system listed on the subpage.
2. Starting with the renal artery and ending with the renal vein, trace blood flow through the kidney.  

Lab 10: Reproductive
1. Identify using models the parts of the male and female reproductive systems listed on the subpage. (* this list was updated after our lab met today)
2. In mitosis, how many cells are produced? What is their "n"? Compare this to meiosis.
During which process does crossing over occur? What is crossing over? What is its purpose? 

                      Section 2: Lab Practical 2 on October 28th 
Lab 7:

1. Identify the parts of the Respiratory System on the fetal pig listed in the Respiratory System subpage.
2. Identify the parts of the Respiratory System on the models listed in the Respiratory System subpage.
3. On the slide of the cross section of the trachea, identify the esophagus and the hyaline cartilage supporting the trachea
3. Explain the visceral/parietal membranes of the pleural cavity.

4. Identify/describe the four lung volumes listed on the subpage.

Lab 5/6: Fetal Pig / Intro to Arteries and Veins
1. Identify the arteries and veins on the models (not pig) listed on the on the Blood Vessel subpage.
2. Explain the function of the Circle of Willis.

Section 1: Lab practical 1
Lab 1: Eye Structure
  Eye Model:

   Lacrimal apparatus = lacrimal gland 🡪 lacrimal ducts  ðŸ¡ª lacrimal canals 🡪 lacrimal sac
   Palaprae and Conjunctiva

   Extrinsic eye muscles: lateral rectus, medial rectus, superior rectus, inferior rectus, inf and sup oblique
   Eye Wall Organization & Internal Anatomy:
    Fibrous Layer: sclera and cornea    
    Vascular Layer:  choroid, ciliary body w/ciliary muscles and suspensory ligaments, pupil, iris
    Sensory Layer/ retina = neural layer w/ rods & cones
    Optic disc, optic nerve, macula, lens
    Aqueous humor in anterior compartment and vitreous body in posterior compartment
Lab 2: Eye Structure cont./Ear Structure
Cow eye: 
    cornea, sclera, iris, ciliary body, virteous humor, posterior cavity, lens, optic disc, optic nerve , retina
Retina Slide:
 sclera, sensory cells (rods/cones), bipolar cells, ganglion cells  
            (easiest to remember them by their position on the slide from back to front or front to back)
Ear model: External Ear with Pinna (auricle), External auditory canal, Auditory ossicles: malleus,                                          incus, stapes, Auditory tube (Eustachian tube/Pharyngotympanic tube),                                                                  vestibule, semicircular
     Trace path of sound wave through the ear (refer to the lab 2 sub page for review)
Lab 3: Blood
Understand the ABO/Rh system and explain antigen/antibody reaction.
    A person who is type A blood is given a transfusion of type B blood by mistake, a blood clot forms. Why?
            (explain the specific antigen/antibody reaction)
    Identify blood type using an anti-serum typing card
    Identify the five types of WBCs
    Identify: Leukemia, Sickle Cell Disease, Pernicious Anemia, Eosinophilia, Plasmodium (Malaria), 
                      Trypanosoma slides
    Extra credit:
    Describe: hematocrit, coagulation time, hemoglobin concentration, differential white blood cell count

Lab 4: The Heart 
Identify the parts of the heart using the heart models and the dissected sheep heart. See the list of
       required structures on the heart subpage...
     Describe the difference between the pulmonary circuit and the systemic circuit (ie arteries/veins and
                 what they carry...O2 vs CO2). 
     Describe blood flow through the heart.